Club Documents

See below for links to the various 'official' Club documents.

Club Constitution

Child protection policy  Behaviour policy  Learners policy

Anti-bullying policy  Helpers policy  Team selection policy 

ASA Equity Policy  Club policy on the use of photos

Social networking good practice 

Code of Ethics


A swimming register must be taken before every swimming session. In order for this to be taken quickly and effectively, all swimmers must be poolside and changed before the lesson starts. Any swimmers more than ten minutes late for their session without prior notice or good reason will not be allowed to participate in that session.

The register is taken for our swimmers' safety. In an emergency they can be identified and crossed off the list. When swimmers arrive late and start swimming they may not be entered on the register and could therefore be 'missed' in an emergency.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

ASA Insurance details

Probably not the most exciting thing you'll find on the internet, but important nevertheless. Click on the link to see the insurance certificate & details.  (posted 26/4/2012)