The Juniors Groups Restructure
The junior groups structure has been simplified into two groups called Junior Start and Junior Development. Whilst both groups have the same sessions and usually the same teachers/coaches the focus of the groups differs.
Information on the Long Term Athlete Development can be found here - LTAD details
Junior Start
Junior Start is a transition group between Junior 1 and Junior Development. Swimmers moving from Junior 1 will be put into Junior Start. Swimmers in this group will sharpen skills from LTAD stage 1 and be introduced to the core training areas of LTAD stage 2.
Junior Development
Junior Development corresponds to LTAD stage 2 where the emphasis is on developing outstanding technique.
The main areas of training are - skill, technique, speed, breath control and kick. Towards the end of Junior Development swimmers will be introduced to the core areas of LTAD stage 3.
The progression from Junior Development is then either to Aquarius Performance, Aquarius Club or a Hub club program.
Swimmers in both groups are expected to compete in the Junior League, counties, club championships and Level 2/3 open meets.
Session requirements
Although there is no minimum number of sessions, Junior Start swimmers should be swimming 2/3 sessions per week and Junior Development swimmers should be swimming 4/5 per week.
Gala dates - 2014
All swimmers in the junior group are expected to be free for gala selection on the following dates
5th April 2014
10th May 2014
28th June 2014